王培林教授 Professor Del P. WONG



Prof. Del P. Wong is full professor and research leader of Sport Science Research Center at Shandong Sport University. Before this, he was associate professor and head of Department of Sports and Recreation at The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). He was also the founding head of the Sports & Recreation Research Centre which consists of Sports Therapy Centre, Human Performance Laboratory, Sports Biomechanics Laboratory, and Health and Recreation Management Laboratory. He completed his doctoral study in Exercise Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He was the strength and conditioning coach for athletes at various competition levels including medalists of Olympic Games, World Championship, Asian Games, regional, and elite youth. In this regard, athletes from badminton, table-tennis, fencing, cycling (sprint and BMX), swimming, and soccer trained under his supervision. He was also the fitness coach for professional soccer for two seasons. In 2012, he received the Outstanding Young Investigator Award from NSCA.


Prof WONG has published 81 research articles in international journals and his H-index is 29. These articles have been cited by other scientific articles for > 2700 times. He is now serving as associate editor for “Science and Medicine in Football” (IF: 2.25), and “Journal of Physical Education and Sport”, and section editor in strength and conditioning for “Journal of Applied Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Science (JACSSES)” published by The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He is also editorial board member for “Research in Sports Medicine” (IF: 1.70), “Biology of Sport” (IF: 0.79), “Sports and Exercise Medicine – Open Journal”, “European Journal of Sports and Exercise Sciences”, “American Journal of Environmental Protection”, and “The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology”. He reviewed manuscripts from the following journals: British Journal of Sports Medicine (IF: 5.03), The American Journal of Sports Medicine (IF: 4.36), Journal of Sports Sciences (IF: 2.25), Plos One (IF: 3.53), Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (IF: 2.08), Sensors (IF: 1.95), International Journal of Sports Medicine (IF: 2.07), International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IF: 2.66), European Journal of Sport Science (IF: 1.55), Research In Sports Medicine (IF: 1.70), Journal of Sport and Health Science (IF: 1.71), Journal of Thermal Biology (IF: 1.51), Journal of Applied Biomechanics (IF: 0.90), International SportMed Journal (IF: 0.73), International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (IF: 1.05), Public Health Nursing (IF: 0.78), and Textile Research Journal (IF: 1.14).


2016年,王培林教授被山东体育学院以高层次人才引进方式聘用为教授,并成为体育科学研究院的首席专家。同时为《山东省高等学校优势学科人才团队培育计划》鲁教人字〔201514号印发,山东体育学院, 科学健身与健康促进创新研究团队的学科带头人。本研究团队在20所山东省高等学校参与团队中名列第一。2017年当选为山东体育科学学会第四届理事。




王培林教授的研究领域为运动生理学和精英运动员体能训练科学。王培林教授的本科和硕士都在香港中文大学完成。 2011年在挪威科技大学医学院获得博士学位。于2012年获得美国国家体能协会颁发的年度最杰出青年奖(Annual Outstanding Young Investigator Award, https://www.nsca.com/annual-awards/terry-housh/ ),成为该协会自1978年创会以来首位获奖的亚洲人。美国国家体能协会幅盖全球72个国家,现时会员人数约为3万人,为全球最权威的体能教练训练及科研机构。


王培林教授从2005年至今一共所表所发表SCI刊源论文81篇。被他人引用的总次数为>2700次,H指数为29。王培林教授是SCI国际期刊Science and Medicine in Football(影响因子为2.25)的副主编之一。同时为以下两本SCI期刊的编委:Research in Sports Medicine (影响因子: 1.70), Biology of Sport (影响因子: 0.79)。以及曾为以下13SCI期刊的审稿人: British Journal of Sports Medicine (影响因子: 5.03), The American Journal of Sports Medicine (影响因子: 4.36), Journal of Sports Sciences (影响因子: 2.25), Plos One (影响因子: 3.53), Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (影响因子: 2.08), International Journal of Sports Medicine (影响因子: 2.07), International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (影响因子: 2.66), European Journal of Sport Science (影响因子: 1.55), Journal of Applied Biomechanics (影响因子: 0.90), International SportMed Journal (影响因子: 0.73), International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (影响因子: 1.05), Public Health Nursing (影响因子: 0.78), Textile Research Journal (影响因子: 1.14)


王培林教授曾7次受邀到海内外进行专题报告 (包括葡萄牙及突尼西亚),在国际学术会议中报告超过25次。2013年,受邀成为芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学(University of Jyväskylä)的博士研究生论文外审专家,也多次担任加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University of Newfoundland)、湖首大学(Lakehead University)和香港理工大学的硕士研究生论文外审专家。






专业资格 Professional Qualification 

- 特许科学家 (英国科学会), Chartered Scientist (Science Council, UK)

- 认可运动科学家-运动生理学 (英国运动科学学会), Accredited Sport & Exercise Scientist-Physiology (BASES, UK)

- 认证优异级体能训练专家 (美国国家体能协会), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist*Distinction (NSCA, USA)

- 认证运动生理学家 (美国运动医学会), Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM, USA)

- 认证健康体适能专家 (美国运动医学会), Certified Health Fitness Specialist (ACSM, USA)


个人科研网页 Research Website


ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Del_P_Wong


Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.co.nz/citations?user=iWDIVYwAAAAJ


个人科研档案 Research Profile







2017年文章 Publication in 2017

1.        Chan APC, Yang Y*, Song W-F, Wong DP. (2017). Hybrid cooling vest for cooling between exercise bouts in the heat: effects and practical considerations. Journal of Thermal Biology, 63, 1-9.(影响因子1.62)

2.        Yi W*, Chan APC, Wong FKW, Wong DP. (2017). Effectiveness of a newly designed construction uniform for heat strain attenuation in a hot and humid environment. Applied Ergonomics, 58, 555-565.(影响因子1.71)

3.        Attia A, Dhahbi W*, Chaouachi A, Padulo J, Wong DP, Chamari K. (In press). Measurement errors when estimating the vertical jump height with flight time using photocell devices: the example of Optojump. Biology of Sport. (影响因子1.14)

4.        Yeung K-L, Wong DP, Yick K-L*, Lam Y-N, Ng S-P. (In press). Effects of in-shoe midsole cushioning on leg muscle balance and co-contraction with increased heel height during walking. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. (影响因子0.65)

5.        Song Q, Tian X, Wong DP, Zhang C, Sun W, Chen P, Mao D*. (In press). Effects of Tai Chi exercise on body stability among the elderly during stair descent under different levels of illumination. Research in Sports Medicine. (影响因子1.42)

6.        Chan AP, Yang Y*, Wong FK, Yam MC, Wong DP, Song WF. (In press). Reduction of physiological strain under a hot and humid environment by a hybrid cooling vest. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (影响因子1.98)

7.        Koklu Y, Alemdaroglu U Cihan H, Wong DP. (In press). Effects of bout duration on players’ internal and external loads during small-sided games in young soccer players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. (影响因子3.04)

2016年文章 Publication in 2016

1.        Owen AL, Wong DP, Dunlop G, Groussard C, Kebsi W, Dellal A, Morgans R, Zouhal H*. (2016). High-intensity training and salivary immunoglobulin A responses in professional top-level soccer players: effect of training intensity. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(9), 2460-2469. (影响因子1.98)

2.        Padulo J, Ardigo LP*, Attene G, Cava C, Wong DP, Chamari K, Migliaccio GM. (2016). The effect of slope on repeated sprint ability in young soccer players. Research in Sports Medicine, 24(4), 320-330. (影响因子1.42)

3.        Clement FM*, Figueiredo AJ, Martins FML, Mendes RS, Wong DP. (2016). Physical and technical performances are not associated with tactical prominence in U14 soccer matches. Research in Sports Medicine, 24(4), 352-362. (影响因子1.42)

4.        Yang Y, Lau PWC, Wang J, Dong B, Wu L, Quach B, Wong DP, Fu L, Ma J*, Wang H*. (2016). Association among cardiorespiratory endurance, body mass index and blood pressure in Han Chinese children: result from the 2010 Chinese National Survey On Student’s Constitution and Health. Hypertension Research, 39(11), 799-804. (影响因子3.21)

5.        Lo WT, Wong DP, Yick KL*, Ng SP, Yip J. (2016). Effects of custom-made textile insoles on plantar pressure distribution on lower limb EMG activity during turning. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 9:22. DOI: 10.1186/s13047-016-0154-5. (影响因子1.48)

6.        Moalla W*, Fessi MS, Farhat F, Nouira S, Wong DP, Dupont G. (2016). Relationship between daily training load and psychometric status of professional soccer players. Research in Sports Medicine, 24(4), 387-394. doi: 10.1080/15438627.2016.1239579. (影响因子1.42)

7.        Dellal A*, Chamari K, Payet F, Djaoui L, Wong DP. (2016). Reproducibility of physical performance during small- and large-sided games in elite soccer in short period: practical application and limits. Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 6:6. Doi:10.4172/2165-7025.1000315. (影响因子1.50)

8.        Payet F, Rouissi M, Chtara M, Colson S, Wong DP, Owen AL, Diaz-Cidoncha GJ, Chamari K, Dellal A*. (2016). Physical activity and high-intensity running during sided games vs. competitive match-play in elite soccer players: a comparative study. Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 6:6. Doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000320. (影响因子1.50)

2016年会议报告 Conference Presentation in 2016

Keynote speech. Wong, D.P. (2016, Nov 30 – Dec 2). Strength and conditioning for professional soccer players to improve performance and injury prevention. Invited Keynote Speech at 10th International Conference on Strength Training, Kyoto, Japan.

1. Coutinho D, Goncalves B, Wong DP*, Travassos B, Sampaio J. (2016). Effects of mental and physical fatigue on football players’ in-game behaviours. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria.